Welcome to the Energy Intuitive® Healing Academy

Step into a world of profound wisdom and transformation at the Energy Intuitive® Healing Academy—an esteemed institution dedicated to nurturing the next generation of energy healers and intuitive practitioners. Our academy is committed to empowering individuals with the knowledge, skills, and tools to harness the innate healing power of intuition and energy.

💫 Our Vision:

At the Energy Intuitive® Healing Academy, our vision is to cultivate a community of skilled healers and intuitive practitioners who are deeply connected to their inner wisdom and empowered to facilitate healing and transformation in themselves and others. We believe that by honing our intuitive abilities and mastering the art of energy healing, we can create positive change and contribute to the well-being of humanity and the planet.

🔮 Our Mission:

Our mission is to provide comprehensive and experiential training in energy healing and intuitive development, grounded in principles of integrity, compassion, and service. Through our courses, workshops, and mentorship programs, we aim to equip our students with the knowledge, confidence, and ethical framework to practice energy healing with skill and authenticity.

What We Offer:

  • Certification Programs: Explore our range of certification programs in energy healing, intuitive development, and holistic wellness. Our courses cover a wide array of topics, including Reiki, chakra healing, intuitive coaching, and more, providing a solid foundation for your healing journey.

  • Workshops and Retreats: Immerse yourself in transformative workshops and retreats led by experienced healers and intuitive practitioners. Deepen your understanding of energy healing modalities, connect with like-minded souls, and experience profound shifts in consciousness.

  • Mentorship Programs: Receive personalized guidance and support through our mentorship programs, designed to help you deepen your intuitive abilities, refine your healing skills, and navigate your personal and professional growth as a healer.

  • Community and Support: Join our vibrant community of students, alumni, and practitioners who share a passion for energy healing and intuitive development. Connect with fellow seekers, exchange insights, and support each other on the journey to healing and self-discovery.

🌈 Join Us on the Healing Journey:

Whether you're a beginner embarking on your healing path or an experienced practitioner seeking to deepen your skills, the Energy Intuitive® Healing Academy welcomes you with open arms. Step into our sacred space and embark on a journey of healing, growth, and transformation.

Available Courses

The Power of You

Are you ready to embody your divine feminine energies and discovery who you truly are?

With my new 28 day programme you will connect with your inner goddess on a deeper level.  I will take you on a journey of self-discovery into your very soul, leaving you feeling empowered and connected to your higher self, unlocking the Power of You!

You will receive daily guidance and journal prompts that will allow you to create that sacred space to explore your inner knowing. To see your strength and wisdom hidden deep inside of you.

You will learn how to connect deep into your heart space and connect with your divine feminine energy, working with the frequency of your higher self, through visualisation, gratitude and daily practice.

Are you ready to raise your frequency and embody the highest version of you?

Sign up  to start your journey of discovering you.

Enlightened - Spiritual Development for Beginners

Welcome to our transformative self-study course designed for beginners eager to explore the depths of spiritual development. Are you ready to unlock the secrets of your soul, awaken your intuitive gifts, and harness the power of the unseen world?

Inside you will:

  • Dive deep into 6 masterclasses covering essential topics for spiritual growth and development.

  • Learn how to balance and align your chakras to optimize your energy centers.

  • Discover the secrets of the aura and how to cleanse and protect your energetic field.

  • Master psychic skills and intuition with step-by-step guides and practical exercises.

  • Access exclusive resources, meditations, and tools to support your journey.

  • Transform your life from the comfort of your own home at your own pace.

Ready to embark on your journey of self-discovery and spiritual mastery? Enroll now to unlock instant access to our comprehensive self-study course!

Our self-study course is carefully crafted to provide you with the foundational knowledge and practical tools you need to embark on your spiritual journey with confidence. Each masterclass is led by experienced spiritual guides and teachers who will walk you through essential concepts and practices, empowering you to unlock your innate potential and connect with the divine within.

You will lean:

  • Introduction to Spiritual Awakening: Discover the path to enlightenment and higher consciousness.

  • Chakra Balancing and Healing: Learn how to harmonize and align your energy centers for optimal well-being.

  • Aura Cleansing and Protection: Explore techniques to cleanse and shield your energetic field from negative influences.

  • Psychic Development 101: Unlock your intuitive gifts and tap into your psychic abilities with ease.

  • Meditation and Mindfulness: Cultivate inner peace, clarity, and presence through daily meditation practices.

Our course includes:

  • Accessible Anytime, Anywhere: Study at your own pace, on your own schedule, from the comfort of your own home.

  • Expert Guidance: Learn from experienced spiritual teachers and guides who are passionate about supporting your journey.

  • Interactive Learning: Engage with practical exercises, meditations, and reflective journaling prompts to deepen your understanding.

  • Supportive Community: Connect with like-minded individuals on a similar journey through our exclusive online community.

  • Lifetime Access: Enjoy unlimited access to course materials, updates, and resources for ongoing growth and development.

Enroll today to gain instant access to our self-study course for beginners and take the first step towards unlocking your spiritual potential. With our comprehensive curriculum, expert guidance, and supportive community, you have everything you need to embark on a journey of profound transformation and spiritual awakening

Ready to awaken your soul? Enroll now and start your transformational journey today!

Energy Intuitive® Practitioner

Learn about your intuition and energetic abilities to heal your body and soul

I will help you get from where you are now, to living a healthy life you love.

You don't have time to find the answers yourself? .......you need a roadmap full of shortcuts.

That's why I created this course to give you step-by-step training, and helpful resources, that will kick-start your new life

Sacred Womb Wisdom

Are you ready to awaken your Sacred Womb Wisdom?

Reiki Attunement Level I

Traditional Usui Reiki 

Learn Reiki to work on yourself, Level 1 is ideal for those interested in this ancient art of energy healing. 

Reiki Attunement Level II

If you have completed Level 1 and wish to elevate your practice, this course will attune you to Level 2 - whether for personal or professional use. 

Reiki Master Practitioner

Are you ready to take your Reiki practice to new heights and unlock the full potential of your healing abilities? Our comprehensive lead magnet, Unlock Your Reiki Master Potential, is designed to guide you on a transformative journey toward becoming a Reiki Master Practitioner.

Inside this exclusive offering, you'll discover:

Advanced Reiki Techniques: Dive deep into advanced Reiki healing methods, including distant healing, chakra balancing, and aura cleansing, to expand your healing repertoire and amplify your impact.

Mastering Energy Flow: Learn how to work with the subtle energy systems of the body, mind, and spirit to facilitate profound healing and harmonious balance.

Spiritual Mastery: Explore the spiritual dimensions of Reiki practice, tapping into higher consciousness, intuition, and divine guidance to deepen your connection to the universal life force energy.

Professional Development: Gain insights into building a successful Reiki practice, attracting clients, and creating a fulfilling career as a Reiki Master Practitioner.

Bonus Resources: Access additional materials, including guided meditations, printable healing templates, and exclusive discounts on future training programs to support your ongoing growth and development.

Whether you're a seasoned Reiki practitioner or just beginning your journey, Unlock Your Reiki Master Potential is your key to unlocking the next level of healing mastery and personal transformation.

Ready to elevate your Reiki practice and become the healer you were meant to be and embark on a journey of empowerment, healing, and spiritual awakening?

Reiki Business Bundle

Upgrade to our Reiki Business Bundle. In addition to the Reiki Master Practitioner training, you'll also receive training in Shambala Multidimensional Healing and FREE access to our SoulBiz Hub for all your digital marketing needs.

5 Element Reiki

A unique and powerful healing system for all Reiki practitioners

SoulBiz Hub - Digital Marketing for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

SoulBiz Hub!

Digital Marketing Training for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Welcome, Start Here

The Soul Sister Circle membership is for spiritual entrepreneurs who want to develop their spiritual skills, and connect with fellow entrepreneurs.

It is a community of conscious women united by a shared intention; to reconnect with our innermost selves and awaken to the limitless potential within so that individually and together we can create real and lasting change.

Plus, as a member of the Soul Sister Circle, you get access to several "not available anywhere else" perks.!

My Courses Available Courses
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